Stories from the innovators, disruptors and improvers in supply chain management today.

In this podcast, we talk to innovators, operators, business thinkers and academics as we search for the latest approaches to success, as we seek clarity in the chaos of change. We take a uniquely Australian approach to addressing the supply chain challenges, we poke into some unusual and interesting corners of supply chain, and we have some fascinating conversations along the way.

Join James Scotland for this fortnightly podcast with a special guest for each episode.

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James Scotland

After a long career in multiple aspects of supply chain management, corporate training and business advisory, James brings a business improvement mindset to his role as General Manager of Supply Chain Resilience for Ai Group. A skilled communicator and adviser, James has been involved with Oil & Gas, the Defence industry and supply chain across the board for over 40 years.

James has a Masters degree in International Management and a partially completed Doctor of Business Administration. He says he'll get around to finishing it when he retires.